Valuing and Preserving Site-Specific Cultural Resources in Italy: Some Issues.


Edward R. Morey



APA   Click to copy
Morey, E. R. (2001). Valuing and Preserving Site-Specific Cultural Resources in Italy: Some Issues.

Chicago/Turabian   Click to copy
Morey, Edward R. “Valuing and Preserving Site-Specific Cultural Resources in Italy: Some Issues.,” 2001.

MLA   Click to copy
Morey, Edward R. Valuing and Preserving Site-Specific Cultural Resources in Italy: Some Issues. 2001.

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  title = {Valuing and Preserving Site-Specific Cultural Resources in Italy: Some Issues.},
  year = {2001},
  author = {Morey, Edward R.}

Abstract: The paper outlines the challenges and opportunities associated with valuing site-specific cultural resources. The discussion is framed around the issue of valuing cultural resources in Italy, a country with a large and deteriorating stock of such resources, resources that have great use and nonuse value for locals, Italians, and
foreigners. All of the standard issues in nonmarket valuation are relevant, including, but not limited to, estimating use and nonuse values, incentive compatibility, describing the scenario, and the informational content of stated
verses revealed preference data. Nonmarket valuation can help in determining what should, and should not, be
preserved, and, if preserved, how to raise the required funds. 

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